
Monday, October 19, 2015

Catching Up; NaBloPoMo

Well it's been a few days. It wasn't because I got tired of writing, I am really enjoying getting to my computer every day and finding some time to get my thoughts out there. Where ever there is. Who's reading this anyway? Feel free to leave comments! :-)

I've simply run out of time and been tired. It's been a busy few days and I'm to blame for it. Actually Fall is to blame for it. It's just been so incredibly nice out and I love being outside with the girls. I had our calendar pretty full last week with visits to different farms and pumpkin carvings. Plus I planned out our week of meals which took me forever this week as I was trying to find some new recipes to try out and I haven't been feeling all that great. I'm having some breastfeeding related issues and I think it's making me more sleepy and possibly even sick. So finding the time and energy lately to keep up with posting every day this month just didn't happen.

But here I am! I'm not giving up. I've missed sitting here writing. Even if it's just for me. It makes me feel better. There's a lot of thoughts in this head people and they can't all be in there alone, it gets overwhelming. ;-)

What I'd like to do now is head back over to and finish up some of the prompts that I've missed. If you're interested here is the direct link for the prompts. I'm going to use the ones I've missed as more of a Q&A. Mostly because some of these prompts wouldn't elicit a full post from me and some I just don't care about.

What dish did you dread being served as a kid? Did I answer this already? Lima beans. I hate lima beans. But we found out I am allergic to them so luckily my mom didn't insist on my eating them. Onions. I still hate them but I've been cooking with them so that Alivia and Juliana have an opportunity to eat them. But as far as a full dish...I'd have to say meatloaf. Ugh, just the name...

Is your least favourite food from childhood still your least favourite dish? Yes. You will never catch me eating meatloaf. Ever.

What was the first thing you ever learned how to cook?  I don't know really. I'd have to ask my mother. See if she can bring back a memory for me. I remember making burritos at my dad's house because that was pretty much a staple there but it wasn't really cooking per say. It was chopping up the tomatoes, heating up the beans, getting the cheese, sour cream and lettuce ready and filled in the tortillas. I guess I was allowed to make the ground beef. I remember that now that I type this. 

Have you ever invented your own recipe? What was your first one? No. I've altered recipes plenty of times. I usually stick to an exact recipe the first or second time I make it but generally after that I change it up to what works for us and our tastes...or what's on hand. I wonder if I'd like to make my own. It seems like nothing "new" could really be made right? I mean,...hasn't it all been done? Maybe I should look into that.

What do you consider your most successful dish? Oh,...maybe the chili I blogged about earlier this month. Do side dishes count? I think I'm pretty good at Thanksgiving and Christmas side dishes. I'm always looking for something different for our family. I got a lot of compliments on a sweet potato casserole a couple years back as well as some really good cranberry sauce. There's a few more, though I'd need to check Pinterest because that's where I've saved those meals.

What do you wish you knew how to make? Cheesecake. I've always wanted to know how to make cheesecake and for some reason I've been intimidated by it. I think it's the pan. The spring form pan.
I we registered for 2 of those pans for our wedding, 6 years ago, ... I know all of these questions are about cooking and cheesecake is to bake so to keep on theme I'd have to say salmon. I wish I could not screw up salmon. It's incredibly rare for me not to over do it and it comes out very dry.

Now things get weird over on Blogher prompts all of a sudden it's about gossip for this week? I've not followed all the way through on a month of posting with Blogher yet so maybe it's common for a completely random break away from topic but I thought it was strange lol.

That's where I'll stop for today. I feel good that I was able to get here and do this.
By the way, Wednesday is National Cheesecake Day so watch for a video coming up on my YouTube channel on that. And if you'd like to see the videos of us at the pumpkin patches that have kept me so busy head on over to my channel!


  1. Lima beans. I never like them as a kid and still don't they remind me of sawdust.
    When I was kid I didn't care for hominy and I like it now.
    As for writing or blogging I look as it as way to record history from an every day people.
    I came over from NaBloPoMo and coffee is on

    1. Ha! Sawdust! That's a great description. I'm not sure I've tried hominy, I'm not actually sure I even know what it is...But now I'll be looking into it :-)

  2. Hello, I enjoyed your Q & A style for the nablopomo topics :) Very creative! I haven't been sticking to the topics (or posting everyday either - no one's perfect!) so it was a nice way to catch up on what they actually are. On the inventing recipes - I am always so happy to find a healthier way to make things that taste good and are usually a splurge, like hot cocoa or peanut butter banana smoothies that taste like milkshakes. Stevia and almond milk are usually the main staples in my healthier alternatives to sweet treats. Enjoy this beautiful fall!

    1. Hello Annie and thank you! I have a slightly OCD personality...or maybe more than slightly, :-), but skipping some of the prompts is a mental battle with myself. Then I remember that I'm doing this for me so it's fine. ...
      And then I go back and end up doing a Q & A so that I can still feel like I did them. Yes, it's silly.
      Almond milk is always in our home too, and almond/peanut butter as well. Now I want a milkshake!
