
Friday, September 25, 2015

Toddler Fashion Friday: Mommy Picks

And sometimes I get to choose the outfit. Or rather...sometimes I insist on choosing one.

I love this sweater. I bought it last year at H&M. It's really light weight, actually we have to put a shirt under it because it's really breezy. The cute leggings have pink hearts on the knees and came from The Children's Place. 
Grandma Green bought the boots last year. I think they're from Sears?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Toddler Fashion Friday: Preparing for Fall...

Apparently she's already ready for Autumn...It's 88* out and she's dressing like it's 50*
Cute shorts/skirt are from grandma Green and the shirts actually from last year and it's getting too small.

Deep in thought

Friday, September 11, 2015

Toddler Fashion Friday: Undie Hats

And then there are some days where we can't let her leave the house...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Silly Day

So today was an interesting day. Just a bunch of randomness.

This morning Dustin and I were trying to take apart the baby highchair and couldn't get the straps out. Alivia is always so helpful...and was trying to get the straps out as well. I told Dustin "We may need to use a butter knife" to which Alivia says "Oh I know! I'll get my knife for you and put butter on it!"

Alivia had almond butter and jelly for lunch today...and dinner. In my defense she had a different jelly each time, and they were organic!

Alivia is wearing a swim diaper for bed tonight. Yes I knew we were running out and no I didn't get to the store to buy more. Oops.

Dustin was juicing this morning and each time he'd turn on the juicer Juliana would start laughing and clapping!

We walked through H&M this afternoon (more like ran through) and Alivia randomly started snuggling with all the clothing we walked by. And wanted to hold the hands of all the mannequins. Goofy girl. I have a video of the cloth snuggling...I'll share it later after I have time to put it together.

Alivia is talking in her sleep again. Two days ago during her nap she started talking in her sleep. She kept saying "Give me that" "Hand me that thing" and was looking around her room and pointing at something. Then yesterday she was saying "Play with me" lol. Just a bit ago here at bedtime she started crying and was sitting up in her bed pointing at the wall saying something I didn't understand. She has been talking in her sleep more and more. I'd like to record it sometime but EVERY time I do she stops...

It was a good day. We had a nice morning before nap time and then both girls woke up early from their nap so we headed to the Cherry Creek Mall. I've been sick for 2 weeks now and just needed to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. I didn't want to be around laundry or toys and didn't have the energy to go to the park so we went to the mall to play at the play place. Alivia had a lot of fun and so did Juliana.

So...going to the mall may have prevented me from making a nutritious dinner BUT we all had fun AND the girls both got a bath tonight and their hair washed so I consider that a win!