
Thursday, March 31, 2016

No Spend April: Getting Ready

The point behind "no spend month", for me at least, is to save money, get out of the habit of buying on a whim and to appreciate what I already have at home. 
So it won't do any good if I go crazy today buying things and "stocking up" and stuff I otherwise wouldn't need. I don't want to go spend $300 on food/clothes/toys in "preparation" for not spending money in April. 

So how am I prepping? I'm doing the usual grocery shopping I always do to begin with though I won't be making as many trips as is typical, I'm setting up a grocery pickup for the restocking of fruits and vegetables I know I'll need, I'm unfollowing groups on Facebook that sell anything, as well as "planner" groups because seeing all the stuff purchased by other people won't help me at all. 

Today I will fill my car up with gas becasje  10 miles away from empty! And I'll be attempting to not fill up again until May1st. Unless D needs to take my car to work I think I can make it all month. 

I will obviously be paying bills...I'm pretty sure my landlord, credit card companies and power company won't be on board with my "no spend April". (Wouldn't that be nice!?)

I'm also hoping this will help me break my terrible sugar habit because I won't be stopping for any treats. 

...and I did stop this morning for a I do many times a week...
So here's to not spending money, giving up coffee and losing sugar from my diet!

...wish my family luck...

Anyone else crazy enough to do this with me? I'll be looking for encouraging comments throughout the month to help me! 😉

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

No Spend April

Free PayPal Money

I recently joined a new Facebook group and while reading through the comments I saw someone mention their "no spend month" and how they didn't make it because they had to buy new materials. The materials, by the way, were for scrap booking. So "had" to buy was more like "wanted" to buy. Her comment brought out more people talking about their own "no spend month" and I got to thinking...what in the world is that?

Now...I know what you're thinking, it's not rocket science. Obviously it means that you don't spend any money for the month. But it's something I've never heard of doing before, or wanted to do before for that matter. I Do I even need to say anything else? How can one go an ENTIRE MONTH and not buy anything?! It's not possible. Right?

Well I like a challenge. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you if I have the option between "easy" and "hard"...I end up picking the hard. It doesn't even matter the topic. Cake; Boxed or From Scratch? Nope...There's a 3rd option people! It's the one where you have to buy special organic whole wheat flower that was cultivated in the forest of Never Never Land and the only way there is by a special unicorn. But to get the unicorn there you have to make them a treat. There are two options for the treat...easy or hard...nope there's a 3rd option for that too................

Do you see where I'm going here. I don't.

Anyway. I'm up for a challenge and this is coming at a really good time too. With D just getting back into a new job (and actually may be leaving that now too but that's another day's post) and the months on end we went without an income, we have a LOT Of catching up to do. So not spending any money for a whole month can and will do us a world of good!

Did I mention that the Facebook group I joined is for planners....planners...this stupid planner is now costing me an arm and a leg. An arm and a leg that I can't afford to give up. And not only because I have 2 young children that require me to have 6 arms and 6 legs but I'm really fond of my appendages. Or is it limbs? both? Wait...we're talking about money.

Between wanting all the Tulas, LuLaRoe, Happy Planner stuff, washi tape ('s a thing, don't ask) and donuts (I have a problem) I'm spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY!!!!!

So here's my plan;

Don't. Spend. Any. Money.

For April. At least. I Googled this concept and really it's not that crazy but when you have a shopping habit, and not the money to support it, it's a problem. Not to mention it's not needed. The things I've bought in the last 2 months could ALLLLL be returned to the store and I wouldn't be all that affected by it. It's just a habit.

Tomorrow I'll lay out the details of what I plan on doing but for tonight I'm going to sort through my ridiculous stash of washi and find a way to organize it...that won't cost me any more money.

Monday, March 21, 2016

What's on your mind?

Sometimes I walk into a room to get something. And can't remember what it was. 
I know why. Because I usually have about 8 things on my mind at once. Apparently it's more than one. 

Spring cleaning
Date night
Sleep training
10k training
Video editing
Yard space
Joining rooms 
Clothes too small too big 