
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Can I do it?

So I've decided to join NaBloPoMo for the month of October. I was initially looking for info on "blogtoberfest" but didn't see exactly what I was looking for. Or at least it's not what I thought I was looking for. Either way, I remember seeing Heather from Heather Drive post about joining this before so I thought I'd give it a try.

I was happy to see that this month is all about Fall. Which I love. And I'm not sure when that happened. I used to only really love Spring and Summer but I guess as I've gotten older I've come to appreciate the wonderful season of Fall! Now the challenge will just be weather or not I can actually blog every day. This will be my first time joining in on something like this but I think it might be fun.

Basically there is a prompt for each day of October, though it appears that the "weekends" are whatever you want to post about. Here's a link back to the original website I found this on. I'll have to search around on the site to see what "NaBloPoMo" even stands for and learn a little more about the history of her blog. BlogHer.

Well...we'll see how I do!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mini Hiking Trip

Last month Dustin, Alivia, my mom and Tim all went up to Estes Park to go for a nice little hike. The weather was great and we had a good time. Alivia started "hiking" which we tried getting on video but true to form she stopped each time we tried.
She had fun chasing the squirrels, looking for "bear prints", and making grandpa run around like crazy.

The hike includes a trip around a very beautiful lake. We'll be stopping by here again for sure!

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” 
-- John Muir

Pretty Bluejay

Don't jump in little monkey!

Beautiful lake!

The family!

Interesting pattern to the seaweed.

Trying to smell the flowers.

She was washing the ground...

Now that's first class service!


Baby girl was worn out!

 I was trying to upload another video but it's a bit too long for Blogger to accept. Therefore I have to figure out how to edit may never see it.

My little helper

I only pray that she loves doing this as she gets older!