
Friday, October 3, 2014

The smell of Autumn

Today's prompt on NaBloPoMo;
Which smell lets you know that it is autumn?

Hands down, the first thing I think of is cinnamon. Remember two days ago when I said Fall wasn't my favorite season? Well this goes right along with that, and the fact that a lot has changed for me this year. Cinnamon, I hate the over powering smell of cinnamon when you walk into a grocery store this time of year. Honestly the second you walk in there is this big 'ol draft of cinnamon and there's no escaping it. I guess they must dip an entire bag of pine cones into a huge vat of cinnamon and then I think they place a fan underneath the pine cones to make sure you are bombarded with the stench smell. I'm obviously not a fan.

Why are they dipped in pine cones anyway? I assume that's what they are. I never get close enough to them to really look.

For some reason, this year, it doesn't bother me as bad. Maybe it's because I'm really liking fall this year. Is it a pregnant thing? Maybe it is now that I think about it. 2 years ago I was pregnant at this exact same time and I couldn't wait for Thanksgiving. Actually...that was just about the food lol. What pregnant woman doesn't want Thanksgiving to hurry the hell up and get here?!

Back to my original thought though. Any time of year if I smell cinnamon it makes me think of fall right away. While I still don't particularly appreciate the stores tactic of attacking me with it, I am starting to appreciate it more.

And, since we're on the subject. Do you know how good cinnamon is for you? Apparently really good. My mother has told me about many remedies over the years and almost all of them contain cinnamon. To name a few potential aliments that might be helped by cinnamon;

  • muscle spasms
  • vomiting 
  • diarrhea 
  • infections 
  • the common cold
  • loss of appetite
  • erectile dysfunction (interesting?)
Cinnamon may lower blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. (From Medical News Today)

There are also some out there that say it can/may help with fungal infections, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer's.  There may be something to this, I think a lot of this is still in the research phase but you have to start somewhere right?

If you're still interested in this lovely tree bark and want to learn more about it's potential uses here's a great website I found with some good info.

Oh, and apparently the scent of cinnamon can help sharpen the mind and make you more focused...maybe King Sooper's just wants us all to be smarter shoppers?


  1. Cinnamon, I like that especially with pumpkin. . . I did not know about the last medicinal use you listed until now.

    1. I'm hoping to get a little more into baking this fall. Apples and pumpkins are all around that time of year and I'll make sure to remember the cinnamon!

  2. Blatant abuse of an innocent spice, right there. Cinnamon is meant to be enjoyed in small quantities. One should just barely be able to smell and/or taste it. It should be like perfume (except for the taste part). It's worth getting something of good quality, too. I pick up mine from I find I use about 1/3 less of it, because it's more potent.

    1. Thank you for the advice on where to buy some. Maybe this fall I'll be able to enjoy it more :-)
