Dustin and I had a great time last night. We met at our friend's house and rode up to On The Border in Loveland together. Jenny and Steve got us a gift certificate there and we used that baby up! It had been so long since we'd been there and it's one of our favorite restaurants. Dustin and I both got our traditional meal, fajitas! Yuuummmy. We used to live on those things, luckily for our health the one closest to us closed. haha.
After a wonderful meal we drove back down to the Bogucki's house and started a friendly game of Scene It; Seinfeld edition. We played guys against girls and well, they kicked our butts! We all had a blast though, and even with how much we have seen that show, we still were stumped quite a bit. We played a second round with the three couples against eachother, yeah, lost that one too lol.
We finished just in time to watch the ball drop. Dustin and I had our "First Married New Years Kiss", drank some champagne then headed off to bed. Steve's brother Chris and his wife Colleen were there to celebrate with us and we all had a really good time. I'll post some pics at the end of this post.
I'm really excited to see what 2010 has in store for us. Looking back over 2009 a lot has happend. The biggest thing for Dustin and I of course was getting married. That for me was the best thing about 2009. The only other big event for us was moving to Florida. Since we had to come back I'm not counting that as a huge achievement, instead I'm chalking it up as a learning experience, or as Dusitn likes to call it "Our Month Long Vacation" haha. I just remembed we took some pretty amazing trips this year. We did make it to Taiwan which was awesome. As well as London and Rome! geeze, how could I forget about those??
My brother did get married this year, not to long after I did. Lynn is really sweet and we're very happy to have her as a part of our family. We're really sad that Ryan is being deployed this February. He is scheduled to be gone a year, which is far too long for him to be away, especially in Afghanistan. We'll be anxiously awaiting his safe return to us.
I'm going to try and keep up with this blog. I think it's a great way to keep in touch with everyone as well as have a record of how the year progresses. Had I had started this last year I'd remember a lot more of what has happened in 2009. Then again my life was pretty wrapped up in planning a wedding, so maybe this is a better time to start blogging. We hope you all have a wonderful start to your new year and we'll be back soon!
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