
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Most beloved dish: NaBloPoMo Day 5

Here we are on day 5 of NaBloPoMo. Though I do believe I've posted each day in December? I'll have to take a look back and see. Today I'm very tired and it's getting late so I hope this post makes sense by the time I'm done writing it.

I think I mentioned that I'm also doing Vlogtober this month so in addition to writing here each day I'm also (attempting to) create videos that I'm up loading to my YouTube channel. I've found that I really love editing video of my family and it's such a great way to make home videos really stand out. I love it. I do wish it's something I would have realized I enjoyed doing before I had children. Though I'm not really sure it ever would have come up back then because pretty much everything I want to capture is of them :-)  But it would have been easier to have already gotten past the beginning stages of learning to edit when I had more time. And more sleep. And more brain power...

But that's not how it happened. And that's ok, I'm am having fun learning now and I hope that it'll be something I can continue with. I love the idea of us being able to look back with the girls and see what we were doing while they were growing up. It's really taking the "home video" to a whole new level. But I've gotten off topic here. I guess what I'm getting at is it's been a long day AND I've already edited and uploaded a video. (if you're interested...Vlogtober Day 7 )

OK. Onto this. Here. My blog.

What are the dishes that defined your childhood? What were your favorite dishes to eat?

What do I say about this. I must have repressed memories from my childhood because all of these questions just don't spark much of anything. I know I ate food growing up. I just don't remember much about it. I can say that I know I had a lot of mac-n-cheese with hot dogs in it. Yummy! I only know this because of my intense hatred of hot dogs and my mother explaining to me that it's most likely because I ate a lot of them growing up. It's a staple isn't it? In most kids diets? Or at least it used to be. And it certainly is for those that don't have a lot of money or time to cook more elaborate meals. My mother was a single working mother of two children for a time. And as in any family that most likely will equate to a lot of easy meals. At least in my case it was. I do have to say though that I love mac-n-cheese lol.

My mom did cook though, quite a bit I remember after she met my step-father. Chicken. We just talked about chicken she used to cook. What's strange though is the one thing that really stands out is my step-dad's chili. Tim if you're reading this, (which I doubt anyway) please forgive me. But what I remember was how bland it was! He used to make this chili all the time, in a crock pot and we used to lovingly tease him that he had never heard of a spice before! It feels like this went on for years but probably not. In his defense he is a much better cook now and we don't tease him like we used much.

I'm probably most fond of my grandfather's cooking. My brother and I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. We were very lucky to have them so close to us and to be able to spend so many days with them. My grandfather was one of my most favorite people in the world. Every morning that we went to their home I would walk into the smell of sausage and bacon cooking. And eggs. And he used to cook the eggs in the bacon grease haha. Certainly the opposite of a healthy meal. To this day if we cook this breakfast at home and leave the house for a bit, the moment I open my front door I am reminded of my grandpa. Maybe I should have lead with this...but it wasn't even until I started writing that I thought about it.

That happens a lot actually and is partially why I enjoy writing to begin with. More often than not I sit down to write, not even sure of what it is I want to say, and as I get into it I find myself somewhere I didn't expect.

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