So I thought it was kinda fun to note that 1 year ago today, I was 20 weeks pregnant with Juliana and Alivia turned 20 months old.
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Alivia 20 months |
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Juliana 20 weeks gestation |
Big difference 1 year makes! Now we have a crawling 7 month old and a very active 2.5 year old. Onto Alivia! She has SO much personality! I just love it. Pretty much every time she opens her mouth something cute is said, although I'm her mother and I think everything she does is cute so ... yeah. And she talks a LOT. Literally full blown sentences. She can tell us stories, she makes up songs and makes her dolly's and toys talk. Several months ago we started counting how many words she was saying in 1 sentence. was about 8 months ago when she turned 2, many time is flying by. Yesterday I gave up counting after 15 words lol. The girl can talk.
One of my favorite things she just started saying this past month is "Whobody" as in "whobody wants to have a snack with me?" The first time she said it I had her repeat it a few times because I just couldn't figure out what exactly she was saying. Then I realized she was combining "who" and "somebody". It cracks me up now every time she says it. I want to start writing down more of what she's saying because it's all day long and I usually forget what it was by the time I can get around to telling anyone about it.
She's been doing really great with potty training. She will be fine in undies all day long, not have any accidents and just wear diapers to bed and for nap. But for some reason she is afraid to poop in the toilet. This may be crazy but I think it's from last December when she got really sick. I was working so I wasn't home with her but Dustin was and she had such a bad stomach bug that sadly she had it coming from both ends. I know she pooped in her undies and I think threw up and she flipped out. Full on freak out. It really scared her because she wasn't expecting it to happen and had zero control. She was sick for a while with that and I think it just stuck with her. I think she's afraid of seeing poop or something, I don't know. But today we started trying again. She told me several times that she was scared so I finally got her to at least sit on the toilet (actually her potty chair) with her diaper on to poop. And she wasn't kidding about being scared, she literally had me hold her hand and then kept checking in the toilet to make sure it wasn't leaking out lol. But I'll do a post another time about this training.
Alivia is doing really wonderfully with her baby sister, really she is awesome with her. She loves her so much, she calls her "my baby", she hugs and kisses her and wants to hold her all the time. She cuddles with her and is such a sweetheart. She even calls her "my little sweetheart'. It's enough to make anyone's heart melt. I love it. She's concerned about her when she's crying and will say "Maybe she wants some mommy milk", she gets excited when she tries a new food for the first time or learns how to do something new. She's her biggest cheerleader.
Juliana is is having a harder time with the sharing. She will pull things right out of Juliana's hands and no matter how many times I ask her not to do it it's almost like she can't control herself. And really, who am I kidding...she's 2 years old. I know plenty grown adults who have no control over themselves so I get it, she's little. I just wish I knew what to do to help her not be so grabby. Sometimes she will "trade" her things, so she'll take away a toy Juliana is playing with and then try to giver her something else. Which is nice, although sometimes Juliana gets a baby wipe in place of a toy car lol. But if I could figure out how to not have her be so jealous of her playing with her toys. And it's not ALWAYS. There are times every day where Alivia will see her playing with something and she gets excited that she's playing with her toy so I'm not sure what flips the switch!
I do know that Alivia HATES things to get wet. And of course Juliana sticks everything in her mouth so I do know that's part of the issue. I've been telling her that if Juliana gets anything wet I'll make sure to wipe it off when she's done. It's sorta helping. And this "wet" thing goes well beyond Juliana and her infant drooling. If Dustin or I wash our hands and don't 100% dry them off before we touch Alivia or something of her's she has a melt down lol I don't mean to laugh but must be hard being 2.
She's still my snuggle bug. She loves having mommy milk still and loves when I do her nap time and bed time. (which I've been doing all of lately) She loves all of her family so much and asks about each person during the week "What's Uncle Ryan doing?" "I haven't seen grandpa Bruce in while" "When will daddy be home?" She loves when I make up stories about what they may be doing or where they are when she asks. Oh and speaking of Uncle Ryan, she also is talking in her sleep. A LOT. It's freaky sometimes. And my brother is known for talking in his sleep. She always cracks up laughing when I tell her she's talking in her sleep like Uncle Ryan. <3 p="">
This summer I've been babysitting my 3.5 year old niece 2 days a week and Alivia loves it. She's learning how to hang out with another kid older than her on a regular basis, she's learning new things and really just looks up to her. Almost every night she says "Purity coming over tomorrow?" Since we don't have her in day care it is nice to have another kid for her to play with and spend time with and it's even better that it's family. She also loves hanging out with my best friend and her two little ones. I've written about them before, Coltrane is also 3.5 and he has a new little sister Quinn that Alivia just adores.
Lets see, what else is new with Alivia. She's a great eater and will try just about anything. I contribute BLW to that and the fact that we're always offering her new foods to try and have been since she was 6 months old. She loves reading books. OH yes, I have to mention she LOVES Curious George. We have to check out a new one every time we go to the library. She loves that little monkey.
She loves playing outside, watering our tomatoes, picking basil out of our garden and eating it, going for walks, playing at the park. This girl does it all :-)
She's healthy and happy and just such a sweetie.
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