
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby Alivia

Well this is coming about 5 weeks past the fact but little baby Alivia is here! It's been an amazing 5 weeks...long, short, tired, fun, every second brings something new. We've been really busy and that's why we haven't had a chance to get on here and update any thing. This will probably be a fairly short post as it is. This is one of the few times she is actually sleeping in her bassinet and it doesn't usually last long.

As we have time we'll add more details. Right now I'll tell you she was born on Friday, December 14th at 9:50am. She came very quickly as we had not arrived at the hospital until 5:30am that same morning. She was in a hurry and she hasn't stopped since! She was 7lbs 2oz and 20 inches long. She was born with dark hair and those baby blue eyes that only last a little while. We will give more details on her arrival as we can but like I said it was fast! We were able to go home on Sunday after two nights in the hospital. We had a few guests while we were there. Grandma and Grandpa Green and Collins, her aunt Ashley and Jenny and Steve. It was nice having them come visit and we'll share some pictures of them soon!

We've already been out of the house quite a bit with little Alivia. We went on our first mall trip last week, first trip to the park to walk around the lake, took her out to dinner with us when our friend Matt visited from Portland and we take her to Boulder every Friday for a breast feeding group. Well, that's more just for mom and baby :-) but it's a fun time to spend with other mothers and their babies and it's nice to get out of the house. She liked car rides at first but the last few she hasn't been to thrilled about. Hopefully it was just bad timing on our part and she will go back to liking them. We plan on taking a trip here soon and hope that she'll do ok in the car seat if we're able to take it on the plane with us.

She is very close to smiling. She smiles a lot in her sleep but the last couple days she has been starting to smile while awake, just the hint of a smile. Today I'm almost positive she smiled at me. It was the sweetest thing and brought tears to my eyes...which was short lived because shortly after she was crying. And no...this wasn't a "gas smile". She follows us with her eyes now too. That started last week as well. She had been making really good eye contact and then we started noticing that she was following us when we moved. It's amazing how quickly they learn and develop these skills.

Since about a week old she has been able to stick her tongue out at us and make her mouth round if we do it to her. It's crazy that infants will mimic those motions!

Dustin is at work today (working a double shift) and he has a lot of the pictures of her since my phone filled up! When he is able to put them on the computer I'll post more pictures. Until then here are two. One is from the hospital and the other was from this past week. Looking at these two pictures I realize I was right, this morning I was looking at her hair and thought it was thinner than when she was born, looks like that is the case. :-)

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