
Sunday, March 29, 2015

"A giraffe maybe"

When I was about 3 years old (right mom? I should know since I've heard this story so many times) my mom and dad took me on a drive in the mountains. My mom said I was really quiet and she asked me if I was looking for deer. "Looking for elphanants". Why not look for elephants in the mountains!? And in case you're wondering...we still call them "elphanants" to this day 😃. 

Apparently the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Or maybe deer are just boring?
In any case, my husband and I decided to take a drive up to the mountains and stay the night. At some point I asked Alivia if she was looking for deer. Nope...
"A giraffe maybe" lol. A giraffe! So I tell her that we most likely won't see one but that I'll keep an eye out. She's quiet for about 5 seconds then shouts out "An orangutan!!" 

Would you be surprised if I said this girl loves the zoo? 😉

On our way home I'll be helping her spot orangutans and giraffes. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

"You have a poopy diapy"

That's a good conversation starter wouldn't you say? What better way to make friends than to turn to them and say, "You have a poopy diapy". If you haven't figured it out already, 'diapy" is in fact "diaper". Alivia still has some funny ways of saying certain words. Diaper comes out diapy, pronounced with a long "e", I guess you could spell that diapee...I don't know, it's a made up word so I'm making up the spelling. Along with some of her own versions of the English language, Alivia is still working on speaking in the 1st person. She still says "Alivia wants a snack" or "Alivia love you mommy!" or "You have a poopy diapy". She's starting to get it and will occasionally say "I/mine/me" but she's not quite there yet.

Yesterday was a beautiful day out. After naps we headed out to a park to have a "picnic". Why am I using quotations? Because I'm not really sure you can call it a picnic if you had to run to Noodles and Company at the last min since you didn't have time to shop for picnic food and there was none in the house. Seriously...I don't even have bread right now for sandwiches.

So I packed the girls up and we headed to the park. Grandma Susu met us there as well. And we ate some pretty yummy food. After we were done eating, or rather once Alivia was done eating, that girl can just keep going and going. She wants to eat, jump down from the table, play, climb back up to the table, eat, jump back's endless. I think she burns more calories getting up and down than she actually eats at the meal.

And of course she poops. In her diapy. And she makes sure to tell us that's what she's doing, if someone standing 100 yards away wouldn't know what that face meant,...or smell. Anyway, mommy of course left the diapers in the car so Grandma Susu ran over to grab one. (Now I'm talking in the 3rd wonder she does it)  Alivia, not being one to stand still for more than 3.5 seconds, decides that even though she can't sit on her bum she's still going to climb the playground equipment. As she was climbing up a set of bars a little girl walked up behind her to wait her turn and presumably play with Alivia. Upon seeing said little girl Alivia turns to her and says;
"You have a poopy diapy"
to which the little girl says;
"No I don't! I don't wear diapers!!!" and then, understandably, turns and runs away. I felt bad for Alivia but really, who could blame the other kid lol.

I wasn't close enough to try and correct the matter but luckily I was close enough to hear it. Next time I feel like making friends maybe I'll try Alivia's approach.

Friday, March 27, 2015

"Go home people!"

We have to teach our little ones patients. They won't learn that on their own. And how do we teach something? By example. Ok sure, simple enough right?...

Ha. Maybe if we all had someone around but to cook and clean and change diapers and do laundry and take care of all the little and big things that need done in a day that start to wear on our own patients. (I type this while jumping up out of my 2 year olds room to put the pacifier in the baby's mouth that is swinging/napping in my bedroom, while waiting for the 2 year old to fall asleep...patients people, patients)

But when we have so much going on in our lives it's hard to stay patient. Then you add in the fact that we're now a (interrupted again, 5th time baby started crying so now she's in the room with us nursing. She has a dirty diaper, maybe that's why she kept crying in her sleep...and she's hungry. And I just sprayed her all over the face with milk bc the 2 year old needed her foot tucked in for the 100th time...wait 101 now...does anyone know how hard it is to get up and out of a recliner with a baby attached to your boob and lean over a crib, that's on its lowest setting (lest the toddler try to escape) to tuck little feet into a blanket just right?) 

Where was I? Oh right, patients. How do you lead by example when you just want to shout; "YOUR FEET ARE FINE! It's 78 degrees in this won't freeze!"

So today in the car I'm trying to get home  to start this ever loving nap time process...(it's currently 1:25 and she's still not asleep, though I laid her down at 1). The cars in front of me we're going 34 mph with the speed limit at 35...don't they know they can go a little faster? It's like everyone out today was on a Sunday's FRIDAY people! So I switch lanes, then go back again, inpatiently, and say "come on guys can we go please?". Up until this point the 2 year old hasn't paid any attention to me but of course this she picks up on. 
"What you talking about mommy?" I tell her it's nothing and that mommy just needs to work on being patient. I ask her to remind me to take a deep breath because that's what I'm trying to teach her. Instead she says the following...
"Go home people! Go to your houses, move! Move! Move! There's a car coming. Move people! Go home and eat with your mouth and your tummy!!!"

Lol I don't even know where she comes up with this stuff. But it reminded me that she will learn what ever we teach her. If I yell at cars to get out of my way then why wouldn't she?

So, I'll take a deep breath, try to be patient and wait for another 30 mins for her to fall asleep while I have a baby on my boob who has a stinky diaper...and maybe then I'll be able to go in the kitchen and eat with my mouth and tummy. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

"That sometimes happens mommy"

Yes...that sometimes happens. The quote above is from my 2 year old. A couple weeks ago I asked if she'd share her bacon with me. She said no. I asked pretty please. She said no. So I gave her a sad face hoping that would prompt her sweet self to share. ... Nope. Instead, she looks at my sad face, pats my back and says "That sometimes happens mommy". Ha!

So what happened today? I was late getting her home for her nap. By my own fault. A friend I haven't seen in a few years invited me and the girls over. I jumped at the chance to get out of the house. Even better is that she has a 3 year old and a 6 month old so not only was I getting out of the house but we were going to spend time with someone who understands. Someone who knows what it's like to have a child start crying for no reason or needs to poop right that minute or interrupts you 8,654,456 times. 

And what happened? We talked and compared notes and wiped butts and got snacks and kissed boo-boos and lost track of time. And it was great. 

Now I'm sitting in my 2 year olds room while she falls asleep hoping that the  baby choking on my milk won't wake her up. All while looking at the time on my phone in total disbelief that she should have been asleep an hour ago. And reminding myself, with my own 2 year olds wisdom; "That sometimes happens mommy."