
Sunday, November 25, 2012

DIY Mobile

Posted by: Lena

There have been a lot of DIY nursery projects that I've seen and have wanted to try making on my own. Some other projects I've decided to create on my own simply because I like the item but I am not willing (or in some cases able) to fork over a big chunk of money for it.
Some things on the list have been;
Making a Mobile
Sewing Crib Sheets (Completed and can be read about here)
Refinishing a Dresser
Painting the Nursery (Not really something especially creative but DIY)
Ect,...So when I started looking around for a mobile, I couldn't believe how expensive some of them could be and I wasn't really fining anything that I was in love with. That's when I started looking on line for a DIY Mobile and I came across this site. I figured I could make it much cheaper than I could buy one so I set out to find the materials they list.
I thought I saved the receipts for this but I can't find them at the moment. I haven't been very good lately with keep those things. I know when I'm buying it that I'll want to add the cost to a post but then I get busy, clean the house and mindlessly throw out what I wanted to keep...oh well. After I made this mobile I looked on Etsy to see if anyone on there makes them (of course they do) and I found some upwards of $125.00! Yeah...I'm glad I did it on my own. Not to mention I like to make these things because there is a certain level of gratification to choosing something to create, planning it out and then actually putting it together.
Love it!

And like most projects I decide I want to do I never anticipate it to take to long as it does, or to bother my back as much as it does (from leaning over said project) or to end up needing as much materials as it does. I always end up going back to the store for more supplies. Which really isn't a huge deal because even though each time I do a project I expect to finish it I never do and it takes at least 2 more days.

And the mobile was no exception. I went to JoAnne much to late in the day. I had already worked a 9 hour day and hadn't really decided what colors I wanted to do which meant I was in the store an extra HOUR that I didn't need to be. And at this point in my pregnancy being on my feet for any extended period of time is bad. My feet just kill me now.
But, I did it anyway. I hemmed and hawed for a long time, going from the ribbon section to the stamps to the paper....and finally chose what I wanted. I'm indecisive.

Because I work so many hours and pretty long days, it took me about a week and a half to finish this but I'm sure you could get it done in one day. Part of my problem was I didn't buy enough ribbon (I think I cut mine a little bit longer than the example) and while I was able to find the pink when I went back a second time, I wasn't able to find the gray. Which meant I needed to drive to another JoAnne Fabric and they were out as well...or so I thought. I just forgot which gray I needed and thought they were out. I also bought a stamp that was too small. The tutorial I was following said to use a 2" cut out and I for some reason thought what I got was big enough. I ended up stamping out a TON of little butterflies and then took that one back and bought a bigger one. The smaller one would have taken SO much longer and just wasn't worth it. In the end though it turned out great because I improvised a little anyway and just added small and big stamps.
I also added crystals to some of the lines of butterflies so that it will catch the light.

Materials and colors I chose. Again, for how big I cut the ribbon I ended up needing 1 more of each color.
That is the smaller stamp. I didn't take a picture of the bigger one.

I used fishing wire instead of the metal wire that was suggested in the tutorial I used. It wasn't a big deal.
I thought these butterflies were the prettiest little things lol And that is the larger stamp.
I haven't hung it up yet since we are working on another project that would make this be in the way. I tied more fishing wire to it and have it hanging in the closet right now. It's a convoluted system too...I have a blanket as a counter weight on the fishing wire so that it will hang. Setting this thing on the ground is a HUGE mistake. Tangles you wouldn't believe.

It might be hard to tell from these pictures but there are small and large butterflies and those crystals are randomly placed. Once I can hang it I'll take some better pictures. I also hot glued every line of butterflies to the fishing wire that makes the cross. (where they are all hanging from) AND I hot glued the cross of fishing wire as well. All of the ribbon is double tied which is why I had to buy more. I don't want anything falling off into baby's crib!

How about you? Have you made your own baby mobile? Or spend more than twice as long on a project than you thought, or it that only me?

Monday, November 19, 2012

What's in a name?

So a lot has happened since the last time we posted on here. Lena has now worked for 3, yes 3, different places. The Denver Art Museum for their King Tut exhibition, Hyatt Place Denver Airport Hotel and now is selling homes for KB. We have moved out of Dustin's parents home, (still very thankful for that) and are renting a town home from a friend of ours. Oh yeah...and Lena is pregnant. If you couldn't tell from the picture at the top of this blog ;-)

We're pretty confidant that you aren't finding this out for the first time on here as we've told pretty much everyone we know and as you can see she is pretty far along. It's not like we're keeping it a secret...anymore. We'll get to how we revealed the pregnancy to our families later, that's a fun story, or at least we think so.

So just like we did when we moved to Florida we are going to start this blog back up to keep friends and family that don't live near us up to date with this little one we are expecting in December. (12/19 if you're curious, or 12/28 if you go by the new estimation of how long a human gestation period is...) And of course those of you that are close by are welcome here as well. :)

Which brings me to the post title; "What's in a name?". Do we leave the blog with the same name? Change it? How long are you a "newlywed"? It's only been 3 years since we got married. Some husbands call their wife "my bride" forever so we could stay newlyweds right?

Well there will be more to come so stay tuned!